CNA Daily News - Vatican

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Despicable Xi Jinping 😡👎"China removes church crosses and replaces Christ’s images with Xi Jinping’s - "

According to the report, Chinese authorities have ordered the removal of crosses from churches and replaced images of Christ and the Virgin Mary with pictures of President Xi Jinping. They have also censored religious texts, forced clergy members to preach CCP ideology, and mandated that slogans promoting the Party be displayed in churches .."

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Re St Ignatius San Francisco 

I came in for daily Mass recently & also used the restroom. Upon entering the restroom suddenly a Latino person followed me in. It made me feel uncomfortable so I quickly returned to mass. Later I saw him using a key 🗝️ on a church door. Not surprising, He's an employee of some sort. We all know who's really in charge at almost everywhere in CA. 

Turns out he had presumably followed me into the restroom - treating me as a
 " suspicious person" ( ie he assumed wrongly I was just another homeless person trying to use the restroom. Fact is I grew up here but am now just visiting for a few days. Not homeless 🚫). 

But here's the thing: the next day I came back to daily Mass & the restroom was locked, so me & one other person couldn't use it, despite the sign saying "This area to remain open when..." mass is in session (inferred) . I suspect this same employee intentionally locked 🔒 the restroom because of me. Shame on you.

 Church administration please take notice of this. DON'T allow the church maintenance workers to LOCK US OUT 🚫👎

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Re St Ignatius Church, San Francisco 

I am wondering if they should discontinue asking the people "What else should we pray for?" at daily Mass given it seems like the radical lefties have discovered it's their opportunity to POLITICIZE to everybody. For example, recently a guy said "Pray for the Haitians to not be persecuted" .

 This is shortly after the national media controversy about Haitian immigrants allegedly eating people's pets in a small town in Ohio ( as well as local ducks & Canadian geese) . The lefties want to say this is a myth but it doesn't take much research to find out there's some actual truth to it. 

For a lefty parishioner to make this into a prayer request is political propaganda. What about the people who are losing their pets? And seeing their way of life being degraded by excessive uncontrolled immigration not out of actual concern for immigrants but with hopes of skewing the election⁉️

 Furthermore, in general the Bible promotes obeying the laws & local authority & we should be helping the Haitians become properly integrated into American society by learning American customs & laws, not by excusing their irregular behavior & marginalizing the people who live here. Shame on this parishioner for using prayer time for his lefty political agenda. 👎☹️

Monday, September 9, 2024

Re Corpus Christi monastery 

The heavyweight has a new tactic: he comes in at the very last moment. But I still leave when he comes in. There's something UNNATURAL about him. Something OFF. I would actually like to see a rule made that people CAN'T attend Mass every single day. Because for some HABITUAL ATTENDEES it's no longer a HEART ❤️ habit. it's a ritual : nothing is changing in the person.

 They're just GOING THRU THE MOTIONS and the mass lacks meaning (for them) (& drives some others away, like me). It's too legalistic which is a major turnoff to me. I come to mass for a genuine authentic experience, not a ritual. Nor a perfect attendance certificate. 
It's good but there's one "heavyweight" wearing a full suit (the same suit) and always arrives late and never takes the Eucharist/host/communion. He clearly has an agenda but is it in accord with the communion and body of Christ⁉️How long do you give a perpetual visitor/observer to "come around" ⁉️Is he trying to dominate us? Assert superiority?

 I'm wondering if he comes from a different religion and is just using the monastery for self -serving purposes? Anyways, when he comes in, I go out. I'll be back in a year to see if he's still doing his daily ritual at the monastery.

And there's nothing anybody can do: he's perfect, at least on the outside. makes no noise, seems to be kneeling in prayer etc. But what about inside? What will Jesus say ⁉️ what about Pride ? What about Evangelism outside the church walls? What about legalistic Ritualism ? What about a " White Washed Wall" ?

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Elizabeth Ann Seton church, Irvine CA 

Just thought maybe the administrator could ASK the ubiquitous Latinos with their gas-powered leaf blowers to do their incessant 🌿 blowing at ANY TIME on Any Weekday EXCEPT at the exact time people are arriving for mass ( & leaving) (ie 8-9 am). I tried to nicely ask the fellow and as soon as he realized what I was asking, he put his earbuds back in and ignored me as just another "intolerant el stupido gringo white guy."

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Sicko 👎😡"A priest sues Grindr after he was outed, his lawsuit says" 

"Monsignor Jeffrey Burrill 
After all, Burrill's position as the top administrator of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) required him to take a vow of celibacy, and Catholic teaching opposes sexual activity outside heterosexual marriage."

Friday, July 5, 2024

"Jerome Corsi on Theories Surrounding Archbishop Viganò’s Excommunication | "

"Archbishop Viganò statement made clear his conviction that Vatican II and Bergolio are the forces of the "Deep Church," intentionally causing a schism in the Catholic Church by implementing the agenda of the globalist elite. In "J'Accuse," Archbishop Viganò wrote: ."

Monday, July 1, 2024

"Cardinal Burke Condemns Joe Biden’s Reception of Holy Communion, Calls it a ‘Sacrilege’ "

"Burke shared, "There has to be a deepening of faith, and that's what's lost for instance, that we have people like President Biden, who claims to be a devout Catholic, and yet is in favor of aborting babies even in the birth canal. Or is in favor of this whole transgender agenda, which is a complete rebellion against God's plan for us." 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

"1500+ Catholics call on Notre Dame to rescind award given to pro-abortion Joe Biden"

Time after time
 Notre Dame 
( administration ) has 
proven itself to be
 Catholic In Name Only (CINO)  😡👎

"1500+ Catholics call on 
Notre Dame to rescind 
award given to
 pro-abortion Joe Biden"

Monday, May 13, 2024

Catholic in Name Only👎 "Rabidly Pro-Abortion Nun Will Give Commencement Speech at This Catholic University - "

Seems like there should be a law against calling yourself Catholic if you violate the most basic fundamental tenets of the religion. Just like there's a law against calling yourself a veteran if you're not:  it's called "stolen valor."

Catholic in Name Only 
"Rabidly Pro-Abortion Nun
 Will Give Commencement Speech at This Catholic University - "
SHAME on Sr. Simone Campbell, SSS & Sacred Heart University 

Biden is as Catholic as Hitler was a Christian 🚫👎" Bishop Slams Biden for Making Sign of Cross at Abortion Rally - "

Biden is as Catholic 
as Hitler was a Christian 🚫👎

"To use the sign of the Cross as Biden did, however, is to invoke the Cross in a SACRILEGIOUS manner," Paprocki pointed out. "I fully support Bishop Munilla and agree with what he said." 

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

The “Is this what you mean?” campaign

"The "Is this what you mean?" campaign relies on the words of abortionists themselves, obtained from medical textbooks and court testimony by practicing abortionists. The goal of this project is to reveal the nature of the abortion procedure to the pubic and challenge public officials, candidates, and others who support the legality of abortion to admit what abortion is..." 

Friday, March 8, 2024

Correction: Memorial Church at Stanford 

I attend the Catholic mass every Sunday which is usually decent. The one thing I don't like is when they do the "peace" thing- and everybody is supposed to say hello to one another. The problem is when opportunistic attendees use it for "othering" people (ie marginalizing). Most people come to church with their loved ones whom they are with all the time. 

Which makes it strange to me that when they do the peace, the 1st person(s) they turn to are the people they live with and love & see every day. Then they turn to others and give a little nod or wave. Or sometimes not even that. 

Since I come alone, it's awkward waiting for a nod of approval from some family after they remind one another how much they love each other and then turn to others. I don't like being "othered". So now I just kneel and pray during "the peace" and talk to my best friend, God . 

This is the way it is that almost every Catholic Church by the way not just at the Stanford Memorial Catholic Church Catholic service. And it is something of a problem for the Catholic Church they have not yet addressed,  although some Catholic churches skip over the " passing of the peace" which I think is a good idea, because it's too often used wrongly for self-serving reasons rather than making everybody feel included. 

Thursday, February 8, 2024

I remember him from St Ann L.A., RIP 🙏✝️💜"Father Hugh Crowe" 2015

He was always friendly and kind at 8am daily mass at this small church near Dodgers ⚾ Stadium 🏟️.
 I didn't know he was from UK. 

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

"Retired Catholic priest, his sister among 4 killed in Florida shooting that injured 2 officers "

"Palm Bay Police said the suspect, Brandon Kapas, 24, shot his grandfather to death. While responding to the scene, officers also located the bodies of Father Bob and his sister..." 

Saturday, January 20, 2024

👍✝️💜"Catholic Bishop Joseph Strickland Will Receive National Pro-Life Award -"

"Strickland is the Catholic bishop who lost his diocese when after Pope Francis removed him in a controversial decision. One of the most popular Catholic bishops in America, who is also one of the most outspokenly pro-life bishops,

Catholic bishop who called Joe Biden a "fake Catholic" for supporting abortion and who denied communion to Nancy Pelosi for endorsing abortion will receive an award from a national pro-life group..." 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

👍"Judge rules against pro-choice Notre Dame professor who filed lawsuit against conservative student paper"

Um. If you're going to sue 
somebody for defamation
 make sure
 what they said is false.

"Judge rules against pro-choice Notre Dame professor who filed lawsuit against conservative student paper...St. Joseph County Judge Steven David ruled against Kay on Monday and wrote that the alleged defamatory statements were in fact true and not made with actual malice and did not contain "a defamatory inference," 

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Pope removed American bishop for being TOO GOOD⁉️

Pope removed American 
bishop for being TOO GOOD⁉️ 

"Strickland's more public positions on moral and doctrinal issues include urging Francis to deny Holy Communion to former U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi over her support of legal abortion, accusing the pope of a "program of undermining the Deposit of Faith," and condemning the prominent pro-LGBT "blasphemy" of Father James Martin, S..."

Sunday, October 29, 2023

That we may be Partakers of the DIVINE NATURE,

"By which have been
 given to us Exceedingly 
great & Precious Promises, 
that thru these we 
may be Partakers of the 
 having escaped the 
corruption that 
is in the World 🌎 .."
                 -2 Peter 1:4

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Bearing with one another, & Forgiving one another,

Bearing with one another, 
& Forgiving one another,
 if anyone has a complaint 
against another; 
even as Christ Forgave you, 
so you Also Must Do.
              -Colossians 3:13

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Arrogance at St. Thomas Aquinas Church ,Palo Alto 👎 

It's 10/22/23 & the priest still wears a mask ⁉️ that's too superstitious for me. Then the Asian- American guy comes down in the middle of homily counting HOW MANY BODIES are in the pew, pausing deliberately & arrogantly with his little pencil and paper 📜. He could easily count every single person just standing from the back. & He looks like a supremacist . 

Now the priest is making a political homily saying a country shouldn't try to have revenge against their enemies . Obvious anti-israel message. Self-defense is NOT revenge.

 Unfortunately the far- lefty or just simply low-information congregation sits there passively as I walk out shaking my head. This church seems to have gone ROGUE- maybe the diocese Bishop needs to step in and take a look. Shake things up a little bit. It's bad. Really bad 👎. 

Friday, October 13, 2023

Peace🕊️ I leave with you, My ✝️ PEACE I give to you; NOT as the world 🌎gives.

Peace🕊️ I leave with you, 
My ✝️ PEACE I give to you; 
NOT as the world 🌎gives.
 Let not your heart ❤️
be troubled, 
Nor afraid.
             -John 14:27

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Church of the Nativity, Menlo Park CA

Church of the Nativity
(650) 323-7914 

Good but like most Catholic churches, there's always a few "stiff corpses" sitting on the same seat every single day, day after day, year after year, never allowing a fresh influx of the Spirit to flow 🕊️. The resident corpse here sits in the back of course so he can see everybody and everything and seems to have a sense of superiority. Such that I won't go in if he's there 👎. And there's nothing anybody can do: he's perfect, at least on the outside. He arrives in time, makes no noise, does all the appropriate body motions etc. But what about inside? What will Jesus say ⁉️ what about pride ? What about evangelism outside the church walls? What about legalistic ritualism ? What about a " white washed wall" ? 

Sunday, October 1, 2023

By this All will Know that you are My followers:

By this All will Know
 that you are My followers:
if you Love (agape)
 One Another.
       .. -John 13:35

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

with All your heart, 💜

You shall LOVE 💜
 the Lord
 your God 
with All your heart, 
with ALL your soul, 
with All your strength,
 & with All your mind,'
 & 'your neighbor as yourself.' "
                  -Luke 10:27

Friday, August 11, 2023

JESUS said unto them:

JESUS said unto them

'Whosoever will come
 after Me, 
let him deny himself, 
& take up his cross, 
& follow Me.
                    - Mark 8:34

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

MTG: " his disgusting and corrupt friends have made him rich with the donations from ordinary churchgoing Catholics,” Greene wrote.

"I refuse to use kinder, gentler language as Bill Donohue might prefer when I talk about his disgusting and corrupt friends, who have made him rich with the donations from ordinary churchgoing Catholics," Greene wrote.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Saint Augustin's Catholic Church, Des Moines Iowa 6/7/23

Saint Augustin's Catholic Church 

6/7/23 So I had never been here before and I pulled in for the 8 a.m mass. I went to the big parking lot and there were no cars at 750 , only another omnipresent obsessive compulsive lawnmower service who stared at me like I was an ET Martian (undoubtedly having noticed my CA plate). (but born in Iowa).

 I was wondering did I get the time wrong? so I pulled around to the front oval where there were a few cars & some people going in, & parked behind a car & left my car running ( because sometimes it has trouble restarting if I'm starting and stopping too much) - I just wanted to make sure I'd be there for a while before I turned my car off) 

A few seconds later a lady stepped out of the car in front of me- she was dark-haired kind of a mid-eastern complexion - and stared at me suspiciously, a white Iowa- born boy with Dutch heritage. 

Not only did she stare at me suspiciously, I realized a few minutes later that she was HIDING behind her car SPYING on me . It was now around 8:01 am and it was looking like this mass is a little bit too small for my comfort.

 I've been a visitor at small chapel -style masses before and when you're not part of the neighborhood you feel too conspicuous, like a stranger sitting in somebody's family room . So I decided to keep going on since I was passing through to Iowa City. 

So I started pulling out and the mid-eastern lady jumped out from behind her car and was either taking a picture of me or writing down my license plate or both. It was very disturbing. I tried to smile and wave but she had already made a negative judgment about me .

 There would be no convincing her of anything otherwise. So I just kept driving and I hope somebody reads this maybe this lady herself.

 This is not how you treat people in America. Especially at church. And when you come to church you DON'T want to be treated suspiciously. Church is about the LOVE of Christ.❤️✝️🙏🙂
 Not negative suspicion 

John Evangelist

Saturday, May 27, 2023

"Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles blasts Dodgers for honoring group that mocks nuns

"archdiocese said that the decision to reinvite the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence "mocks the Catholic faith and makes light of the sincere and holy vocations" of Catholic nuns and "has caused disappointment, concern, anger, and dismay from our Catholic community."

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

This is a gigantic FU SLAP IN THE FACE by Dodgers to the mostly Latino Catholic

This is a gigantic FU SLAP IN THE FACE by dodgers to the mostly Latino Catholic faithful dodger fans
  "LA Dodgers Apologize, & Re-invite Anti-Catholic Hate Group to LGBT Bash "

Friday, May 19, 2023

St. Thomas Aquinas Church Palo Alto CA

St. Thomas Aquinas Church
(650) 494-2496 

Sometimes the priest is a little late for daily mass at 12:15 and sometimes he's so slow and deliberate in reading the words it almost gets to the level of being retarded . Please increase the tempo . It should be more like a pep talk than a funeral .

Also, unless you're a good singer, the priest shouldn't try to sing those parts of the Gospel that the congregation is supposed to mimic in response leading from an off-tune priest to an off-tune congregation and it's just awkward, and almost like somebody scratching their nails on a chalkboard. 

As far as I know it's not a rule that the priest has to sing those parts. I've been to many Catholic churches where they just say it in normal speaking tone ,&  the congregation responds in a normal speaking tone.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Sacred Heart Palm Desert 🏝️ CA

Father Greg Elder is a cool priest. He keeps the atmosphere healthy. 👍

the young priest with a bald head and beard talks little bit too much about where he likes to be in where he doesn't like to be in one time he said he doesn't like to be in California. Not sure why you felt inclined to insult us Californians but that seems to be a trend like if you're not from California you feel like it's necessary to insult Californians to their face.  that phenomenon doesn't happen to anybody else. most of the time you try to say something nice about where people come from. 

For example if somebody comes here from Alberta I'll try to say something nice about Alberta, not insult them. 

1 rude  lady was coming out of the door as I was coming in and she pushed the door tightly shut even though she saw me coming towards the door. Then she coughed in my face. Stay home if you're sick or in a bad mood. 

This evening a new priest that I've never seen before talked about some incident in the state of Wyoming where a gay person was harassed. That's a shame and very sad but that sounds more like Lefty politics & less like a sermon based on the Bible. 

Leave your politics at home and just preach the word of God. Our  young people also need affirmation for being straight . Not constantly harassed about being nice to gays. Priests should not use the pulpit to peddle their politics. Last time I checked it is  Still a Sin to be gay in the Catholic Church and it is still a sin in the Bible. The late Pope emeritus Benedict was saddened by gay propaganda in the Catholic Church. 

New Latina Security lady in the evening on Sunday kept walking past my car repeatedly 👎. 

Friday, March 24, 2023

March 25 is the Feast of the Annunciation:& The Day of the Unborn Child

"March 25 is the Feast of the Annunciation, The Day of the Unborn Child and the anniversary of the encyclical Evangelium Vitae.

 Priests for Life and other pro-life groups urge churches to celebrate this special day in some way. 

See for more information.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Re St. Dominic's New Orleans

I don't mean to be rude but the Catholic church is known and well-regarded for being a "universal church" meaning catholics from Zimbabwe could theoretically walk into a Catholic church in New Orleans and feel right at home. However sometimes some Catholic churches become too " localized" & they treat you like an outsider if you didn't grow up here or you don't live a few blocks away from the parish. I'm afraid that's happened at this church.

 To the priests and to the locals , please remember that this is a church for for all Catholics, NOT just for people who live down the street. If That's what you want , there's a lot of little neighborhood churches you should attend rather than the universal Catholic church. 

In fact it's the visiting Catholics who need a church more than those who live right down the block who are already settled in known by their neighbors  etc. If you hog the church too you're not doing the work of Jesus Christ. 

Friday, January 20, 2023

Sunday, January 1, 2023

How Catholics could help themselves ALLEVIATE the Mother Mary confusion 🙏

Catholics often object to Protestants accusing them of PRAYING TO MARY rather than to Jesus and God.

& the intercessor explanation  makes sense. However they themselves cause the confusion by saying "I'm praying TO MARY" 

They should say they R
 praying TO God, 🙏

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Fr. Pavone : " many Church leaders are governing out of fear, and many are Democrat loyalists .."

Fr. Pavone : "But the fact is that many Church leaders are governing out of fear, and many are Democrat loyalists and do not want to offend their friends in the PARTY OF DEATH. So they tell us to shut up. .."

Sunday, December 25, 2022

'Famous Pro-Life Priest, Fr. Pavone Responds to His Ouster

Surely a man of the cloth shouldn't be persistently profane but is it worthy of being defrocked ? Frank is a great pro Life fighter 💪

'Famous Pro-Life Priest, Fr. Pavone Responds to His Ouster from the Church...
He said g-d damn twice in a tweet."

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Pope: " pornography, a reality that touches priests, seminarians, nuns, consecrated souls."

"Excuse me if I go into these details about pornography, but there is a reality: a reality that touches priests, seminarians, nuns, consecrated souls. Have you understood? All right. This is important."

Sunday, September 11, 2022

re St. James Cathedral Seattle

Lets face it: too many people are going to church for the wrong reasons: namely to be seen as "good people" and "virtue signaling" ... Its mainly for middle class homeowners ...when the TRUTH is that you are sinners who should be repenting. 

If you are a homeowner you need to check yourself: are you ' justified by faith' or 'justified by home ownership' ? How do you really truly self identity ?

Also re the people handing out bulletins on Sunday morning. What are your real intentions ? How come i NEVER see u at daily mass ? 

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

SHAME on the Vatican 👎

"The Vatican Press Office as well as the U.S. Bishops' Conference are reacting to this historic day with a suspicious moderation, as if it is an embarrassing duty for them. Bergoglio is silent, but he was very talkative when it came to attacking Donald Trump or supporting Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Democratic candidates..."

  👍"EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Vigano's Declaration on the Decision of the Supreme Court in Dobbs vs. Jackson Women's Health Organization '' 

Sunday, June 5, 2022

"The Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the Moscow Patriarchate: Split or Maneuver?"

"in their resolution, the members of the UOC Council agreed

to condemn the war "as a violation of God's commandment"
to "disagree with the position of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus on the war in Ukraine" to adopt appropriate amendments, "all of which testify to the full independence and autonomy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church" 

Friday, May 20, 2022

"Archbishop Cordileone says no Communion for Speaker Pelosi over position on abortion | "

About time👍👍: The archbishop priest with the godfather mafia name (almost: Corleone vs Salvatore Cordileone ) has now BANNED Nancy Pelosi from receiving  Eucharist at Catholic mass in San Francisco b/c of her hard-hearted position in abortion 👎. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Dear St Columban Catholic, Garden Grove CA ✝ ❤ 🙏

Update: hello Vietnamese community. I am a white American male & usually attend the English mass but occasionally if i miss daily morning mass i will drop in at the Vietnamese-language evening mass. Notice i say "language" because it is NOT reserved for ONLY Vietnamese-Americans. White Americans ARE allowed too. Please DON'T stare at me like I'm a intruding. I can follow the liturgy on the screen & even use a translator app to understand the homily. We ALL need the eucharist . Please be accepting of me as a fellow believer in Jesus Christ.

CẬP NHẬT: Xin chào cộng đồng Việt Nam. Tôi là một người đàn ông Mỹ da trắng và thường tham dự Thánh lễ tiếng Anh nhưng đôi khi nếu tôi bỏ lỡ Thánh lễ buổi sáng hàng ngày, tôi sẽ ghé vào Thánh lễ buổi tối bằng tiếng Việt. Lưu ý tôi nói "ngôn ngữ" vì nó không được dành riêng cho người Mỹ gốc Việt. Người Mỹ da trắng cũng được phép. Xin đừng nhìn chằm chằm vào tôi như thể tôi đang xâm nhập. Tôi có thể theo dõi phụng vụ trên màn hình và thậm chí sử dụng ứng dụng dịch để hiểu bài giảng. Tất cả chúng ta đều cần Bí tích Thánh Thể. Xin hãy chấp nhận tôi là một người đồng hương vào Chúa Giêsu Kitô

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Re OLQA Teachers & Students at mass

The teachers & students think they are pretty special. When they bring kids for mass they are SO protective of the kids you'd think they are secret service guarding the president. The only problem is that they make all the rest of us feel like potential criminals. One teacher even remains standing the whole time to keep an eye on everybody. And when we say peace the teachers won't acknowledge anybody except fellow teachers. They think the rest of us are trash I guess . Why not just have a "school only" mass if they are so special  ?
But then I've heard some crazy stories about so-called 'catholic teachers some actually aren't even Catholic. And some students who are here ONLY because it's private. 

Our Lady Queen Angels
2046 Mar Vista Dr,
 Newport Beach, CA 92660

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Re John Baptist Catholic, Costa Mesa

I'm concerned about the leadership creating a cult like following. And now you are required to kneel before them to receive the eucharist. Of course they say it's kneeling before God & showing respect to God but it FEELS LIKE YOU'RE KNEELING to the PRIESTS .

 Puchner & Bushmaker are both midwest dudes . Puchner used to be a virtuous brother but I'm concerned he's losing it. I wonder if it's time for the bishop to shake things up a little. These 2 priests have been here for SO LONG now. Pray about it.🙏🙏✝️✝️🙏🙏✝️✝️

Friday, March 25, 2022

Re Rolling Hills Covenant Church, Palos Verdes.NOT a good church for singles, Or "CONSECRATED" singles.

NOT a good church for singles  Or should I say  "CONSECRATED" singles. I've taken a vow of celibacy but they DON'T seem to understand or respect such a vow here even though it IS Biblical. I am protestant but starting to feel more comfortable in catholic setting which highly respects the consecrated life. 
When I see the same ushers in the same spot & the same parking lot attendant in the same spot every Sunday -week after week -never coming inside to hear the message, it tells me that the message really is not that important and  you're not going to really learn or grow from it.  Otherwise the church would require the workers to sit down during the service and learn something - take a few notes- & also participate in prayer.  So the sermon (& even prayer) apparently is just some sort of ceremony we all sit thru and go to - maybe it's good for families with kids - but for the rest of us -we already know it all -so why go to church at all ? I'll  just grab a coffee & go direct traffic in the parking lot or be a security guard & tune everything else out - just watch the people & make sure they stand & sit & obey. Or be an usher at the same door 🚪 for 25 years - just make sure people go in, & get out when its over. This is what Rolling Hills Covenant is REALLY teaching me.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

"Catholic Church Voids Thousands of Priest's Baptisms Due to 1-Word Mistake "

''The issue with using 'We' is that it is not the community that baptizes a person, rather, it is Christ, and Him alone, who presides at all of the sacraments, and so it is Christ Jesus who baptizes," Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of Phoenix, said in a statement..." 

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Review of St Paul Apostle ⛪ Westwood L.A. 12/26/21

I'd give it more stars 🌟 if they could do something about the homeless unbeliever who hangs out during mass. I would welcome an unbeliever for sure if they're not a jerk but if they're going to be a jerk and I mean they use the mass for their own self-serving purposes having nothing to do with believing in Jesus Christ. 

This guy is a real jerk. He hangs out by the door and glares at you if he doesn't approve of you to such an extent that I WON'T go there anymore IF he's there. So I'll stop in every year and see if he's still there and IF he is I wait another year. He is definitely an unbeliever but the priests allow him to be the boss in the back 👎. 

This time I've been gone for two years because of covid and I just came back again today 12/26/21 & he actually saw me coming and stood in front of the door like he was the bouncer or something. So I did an about-face and walked back to my car and drove off.  I'll go to St Martin of Tours  ⛪ instead. & I can assure you I'm not the only one he drives away.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

re Reverend Monsignor Douglas J. Cook (I remember him from Holy Family Orange. Now he's in Newport Beach , 2021

Review of OLQA church Newport Beach CA 12/18/21

Nice church building but I actually liked the old church better -felt more normal. This one has more of that wealthy appeal to it I suppose.  There's some occasional good stuff here but every now and then you'll meet some snobbery and then you also have the neurotics here.

One lady at daily mass always says the same thing asking for prayer for the "Woodward and Bernstein family"  I mean she's been doing this for years- it's a little weird and even selfish if you're just praying for your own family or whoever the  two families are- doesn't seem like it's a special emergency request anymore if it's been going on for years. 

And when she says Woodward and Bernstein I think of the Washington Post Watergate thing -what does that have to do with 2021  unless there's another coincidental two families of the same name in the area with special prayer needs - but this has been going on for years. Or is this some kind of joke? Or is she mentally ill ?

 And that's one of the problems with the Catholic Church - it has a tendency to invite neurotics and people with obsessive compulsive personalities and instead of helping them overcome those problems, they actually nurture them - turning daily mass into a daily ritual - the most robotic person wins.

 Being a robot is NOT a good thing -it's dysfunctional.  What would Jesus do? Maybe daily Mass is NOT a good thing - maybe it needs to be a little less often . 

Monday, November 29, 2021

Nov 2021, Review of Borromeo Church, North Hollywood

This church used to be thriving but once covid arrived the management showed their true colors: cowardly & paranoid & ignorant (or just wanting an excuse to close the doors).

 They tried drive-thru church (Sunday only) & required masks on in the car with windows shut. They were SO IGNORANT about the real science & bowed down to whatever LA county demanded.

 Meanwhile a protestant church with some backbone down the road (grace community led by pastor MacArthur) took a stand and WON - NO lockdown -no masks- no paranoia -no covid .

 Now in November of 2021 Borromeo has resumed daily mass indoors but you must enter & exit thru 1 small gate & if you need to leave early you must ask them to unlock the door. Yes - they lock you in. Doors shut DON't allow fresh air to circulate.  And It's sad inside. The priests don't seem to really want to be there. 

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Review re Church of the Good Shepherd, Beverly Hills (Nov 2021)

Unfortunately this church has become inhabited by leftist activists posing as Catholic.  Even the lead priest Beniof  leans left - I think he's actually the one inviting these radicals into the church. 

The older priest Colm  is a good guy - he's a  traditional conservative.   I've been coming here for many years and now I'll step in and there'll be somebody I've never seen before and they treat me 𝕒𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕟𝕖𝕨 𝕘𝕦𝕪 - it's ridiculous. They've infiltrated the church for their own self-serving purposes 👎

Friday, October 29, 2021

'In the Hands of a Malign Force': Priest Says Pandemic Led to Rise in Requests for Exorcisms | "

"We have seen an increase in the request for exorcisms because the pandemic has made people more vulnerable to the idea that Satan or some evil entity has taken over their lives," Roggio told the newspaper. .." 

Thursday, October 28, 2021

SHAME ON Diocese of Grand Falls 👎 "Canadian Catholic diocese requires COVID-19 vaccination ..

SHAME ON Diocese of Grand Falls 👎 "Canadian Catholic diocese requires COVID-19 vaccination to attend Mass...Diocese of Grand Falls is located in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador " 

Monday, October 18, 2021

"Sicilian Catholic Church leaders issue ban on godparents at baptisms"

" claiming many families enlist local power brokers to be their children's compari because they are more interested in securing gold necklaces and networking opportunities for their family than spiritual leadership,
according to the New York Times ..." 

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Re San Carlos Cathedral, Monterey CA

The church building is historic 👍. The priests good. But there's a few local yokels who are using the church like it's their club. If they don't know you, they WON'T even greet you. It's rather dehumanizing 👎. This is a problem in some Catholic Churches where people DON'T  have  sincere commitment to the doctrines of the church nor sincere conviction to the faith they pretend to practice. And it explains why there are so-called anti-Life Catholics -cuz they're NOT real Catholics

Monday, October 11, 2021

Monday, September 13, 2021

Prayers4 🙏 Father Fidelis Moscinski 👍 "Catholic Priest Arrested After Going Inside Planned Parenthood ..

Prayers4 🙏 Father Fidelis Moscinski 👍
 "Catholic Priest Arrested After Going Inside Planned Parenthood to Save Babies From Abortion - "

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Re St James Cathedral ⛪Seattle & Archbishop Etienne

Great church ⛪, but i am disappointed with archbishop Etienne 's recent pronouncement re  communion basically without any standards 👎- even if you're in favor of abortion - even if you are in a position of political power & take steps to support abortion rather than preserve life -Etienne says you can STILL receive communion because it's "about grace".

 But these are NOT people apologetic nor repentant about abortion - they are NOT in a state of grace - they're NOT even asking for grace at the communion table - they are arrogantly in defiance of God & the catholic church position on abortion. Just like going to hell 🔥- the only reason you end up there is if you DON'T want to go to heaven . God grants you your choice. It's that simple. 

  Etienne is either obtuse or corrupt himself - neither of which is tolerable at such a high position .

The Truth ✝