I attend the Catholic mass every Sunday which is usually decent. The one thing I don't like is when they do the "peace" thing- and everybody is supposed to say hello to one another. The problem is when opportunistic attendees use it for "othering" people (ie marginalizing). Most people come to church with their loved ones whom they are with all the time.
Which makes it strange to me that when they do the peace, the 1st person(s) they turn to are the people they live with and love & see every day. Then they turn to others and give a little nod or wave. Or sometimes not even that.
Since I come alone, it's awkward waiting for a nod of approval from some family after they remind one another how much they love each other and then turn to others. I don't like being "othered". So now I just kneel and pray during "the peace" and talk to my best friend, God .
This is the way it is that almost every Catholic Church by the way not just at the Stanford Memorial Catholic Church Catholic service. And it is something of a problem for the Catholic Church they have not yet addressed, although some Catholic churches skip over the " passing of the peace" which I think is a good idea, because it's too often used wrongly for self-serving reasons rather than making everybody feel included.