CNA Daily News - Vatican

Friday, May 19, 2023

St. Thomas Aquinas Church Palo Alto CA

St. Thomas Aquinas Church
(650) 494-2496 

Sometimes the priest is a little late for daily mass at 12:15 and sometimes he's so slow and deliberate in reading the words it almost gets to the level of being retarded . Please increase the tempo . It should be more like a pep talk than a funeral .

Also, unless you're a good singer, the priest shouldn't try to sing those parts of the Gospel that the congregation is supposed to mimic in response leading from an off-tune priest to an off-tune congregation and it's just awkward, and almost like somebody scratching their nails on a chalkboard. 

As far as I know it's not a rule that the priest has to sing those parts. I've been to many Catholic churches where they just say it in normal speaking tone ,&  the congregation responds in a normal speaking tone.