CNA Daily News - Vatican

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

POPE'S SYMBOLIC GESTURE MISINTERPRETED? "The Problem With Multi-Cultural Foot Washing" Frontpage Mag

To all Muslims out there, we want to let you know, as Christians, that we enter into positions of servitude as a symbolic gesture of unity and harmony with others,not just other Christians. It's a gesture of friendship and care . it's not a gesture of weakness nor submission to Islam or to Muhammad nor to anything associated with Islam. We are not weak as Christians but we are in Christ and submit ourselves as servants to Christ which also means service to others, but this is not a matter of weakness but of strength. this is real strength,caring 4 others.

"Historically, the People of the Book were expected to assume the status of dhimmis—second-class citizens with limited rights. The origin of this attitude can be found in several verses in the Koran, particularly 9:29, which says that the "People of the Book" are to be fought "until they pay the jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued..."
